Meet the
Candidates for First Lady
Ekin in 2004
presents an indepth look at the candidates for Ekin Cheng's First
and the plusses and minuses of their possible appointment.
Kelly Chen
Credits: Multilingual. Popular in Japan. Both pretty and sexy.
Great hair. Not a terrible singer. A real babe.
Debits: A questionably talented actress. Frequent screen teamings
with Takeshi Kaneshiro might create unwelcome tabloid gossip. Icy
screen persona.
Expert Analysis: A safe choice, but maybe too safe. Despite
popularity, still nowhere near as interesting as some of the other
candidates. Will bore voters to tears. |
Sammi Cheng
Credits: Mature appeal. Liked by men and women, young and old.
A talented performer. That Kozo guy really likes her.
Debits: Immeasurable popularity over Ekin could overshadow
his cause. Her career may have hit its plateau. Somewhat fragile;
her asthma could mean many missed photo ops.
Expert Analysis: Her popularity would win votes, but there'd
be questions about who's pulling who in the election. Andy Hui might
try to kill the President. |
Cecilia Cheung
Credits: Talented, sexy, and exceptionally tough. Unafraid
to speak her mind. Can actually act.
Debits: A trouble magnet. Frosty relationship with the media
could hurt Ekin. Most likely to cheat on the President. Could become
friends with Monica Lewinsky.
Expert Analysis: A smart, gutsy, but problematic choice. If
Jordan Chan joins the ticket, there's potential for a disastrous presidential
love triangle. |
Janet Jackson
Credits: Multi-talented actress, singer and dancer. Used to
scads of media attention. Not afraid of the camera.
Debits: Unpredictable. Her brother is a freak of nature. A
lightning rod for controversy. Overexposed and underdressed. Has worked
with Aaron Kwok. Yes, really.
Expert Analysis: A bad idea. Adding Janet to the ticket could
be as desperate as adding Geraldine Ferraro. And you thought the Maggie
Siu/Gigi Leung fiasco was bad. |
Gigi Lai
Credits: Long history with the presidential candidate from
the Young and Dangerous series. Pretty and supportive. Least
likely to stage a coup.
Debits: Yesterday's news. Was in Raped by an Angel 5.
Will she stutter as First Lady?
Expert Analysis: Another safe choice, but also a completely
boring one. A quintessential "Flower Vase". |
Gigi Leung
Credits: Tall and attractive. An astoundingly good actress.
Friends with Sammi Cheng. Already has a history with the presidential
candidate. His toothbrush is at her place.
Debits: Media furor over her relationship with Ekin could be
resurrected. Could end up being called the "First Other Lady."
Expert Analysis: The best choice for a smooth transition IF
the media accepts it. The problem is they probably won't. |
Michelle Reis
Credits: Amazingly beautiful. Worked with Ekin in Young
and Dangerous 4. Has sustained a successful career despite detractors.
Too pretty for words.
Debits: Beauty and the Breast. Has worked with Nick
Cheung. Level of beauty makes her nearly untouchable. Probably not
a "flower vase", but will the voters believe that?
Expert Analysis: Great for pictures, but could incite massive
voter apathy. |
Shu Qi
Credits: Considered her generation's best actress. Versatile
and talented. Isn't afraid to be sexually attractive. Long onscreen
history with Ekin. Fun to be around.
Debits: Sordid past is a ticking tabloid time bomb. Massive
sales of Sex and Zen 2 DVD made Wong Jing insanely rich.
Expert Analysis: Internet popularity will bring out the male
vote, but her past makes her a millstone. Also, her squeaky voice
pisses off untold millions. |
Maggie Siu
Credits: Intelligent and mature appeal. Popular with female
voters. Past history with Ekin speaks to "family values".
Debits: Least attractive of the candidates comparatively speaking.
Older than Ekin. Gigi Leung fans hate her.
Expert Analysis: A reconciliation would earn Ekin points with
the right wing, but would he remain faithful for four years? Even
if Maggie becomes First Lady, Gigi Leung might still be hanging around
the White House. |
Credits: So adorable that it's sick. Candidacy would insure
sponsorship from Cup 'o Noodles. Will get the teen vote.
Debits: There's two of them. Would create White House "sleeping
arrangement" issues. Marriage to both could be more like babysitting
than actual matrimony.
Expert Analysis: A trendy choice, but the multiple wife thing
will turn off millions. Ekin will win Utah, but that might be the
only state. |
Kristy Yeung
Credits: Has worked with Ekin numerous times. Demure. Would
be comfortable backing Ekin. Looks great in pictures.
Debits: Was in Fall For You. Career is in a bit of a
slide. It's questionable if she possesses any real talent. If Andrew
Lau directs the campaign commercials, he may kill her off.
Expert Analysis: A poor man's Michelle Reis, making her a safe,
but hardly inspiring choice. If Louis Koo joins the ticket, this could
be a For Bad Boys Only nightmare reunion. |
Miriam Yeung
Credits: Popular with the 18-25 demographic. Pretty, but not
overbearingly so. Worked with Ekin in Anna in Kungfu-land.
Debits: Anna in Kungfu-land. More popular than Ekin.
A little mouthy. Can be annoying. Sometimes confused with Sammi Cheng.
Her hair is never its correct color.
Expert Analysis: A good third or fourth choice, given her popularity.
However, her wacky antics could confuse and bewilder most of Middle
America. Needs to rein it in. |
Cherrie Ying
Credits: Energetic and ultra cute. Would win votes with teens
and guys who like their women young and sexy. Has years to spare on
her career.
Debits: Lacks edge. Has never worked with Ekin. The youngest
among the candidates. Yes, even younger than Twins.
Expert Analysis: Too much of an unknown. It could work, but
then again it might not. Even though she doesn't look it, it's still
robbing the cradle. |
Zhang Ziyi
Credits: Popular in America. Was in Rush Hour 2. Would
give the President cred in Mainland China. Undeniably talented. Could
take Hillary Clinton in a catfight.
Debits: Knows that she's talented. A bit of a prima donna.
Bitchy. Can beat up the presidential candidate. Her English is like
fingernails on a blackboard.
Expert Analysis: Would bring the votes, but her interpersonal
skills need work. Could be the scariest First Lady ever. |
Vicki Zhao Wei
Credits: Worked with Ekin in My Dream Girl. Looks good
even when bald. Seems like a nice girl. Large anime eyes.
Debits: Worked with Ekin in My Dream Girl. Once pissed
off Chinese people by wearing controversial clothing. Big teeth.
Expert Analysis: Mixture of class and cuteness makes her the
best choice to escape the potential Maggie Siu-Gigi Leung timebomb.
However, Ruby Lin could become jealous and stage an attack on the
First Lady. |