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The Heroic Sisterhood -
A page where female fans discuss Hong Kong and other Asian Cinema, and you know what? That's AWESOME. Serious crititiques and serious humor populate this new addition to the online Asian Cinema community. NEW!
Hong Kong Movie Database -
The original Hong Kong Cinema websource,
this Internet monstrosity can be credited
to Ryan Law, whose generous work has benefitted
more people than this website ever could.
Joseph Fierro's late, great Hong Kong
Cinema Database is currently housed here.
Golden Rock - Site
reviewer Kevin Ma, AKA: LMFDean9, maintains
this very informative blog, which reports
box-office figures and news from Asia
-- all with informed and sometimes funny
commentary. Updated quite frequently.
The House
Where Words Gather -
Not one to let a little thing like losing
his site keep him down, Sanney Leung --
formerly of HK Entertainment News in Review
-- maintains this literate and quite entertaining
blog. Sanney's wit and intelligence make
this an essential stop for anyone who
cares about the ridiculousness that is
the Hong Kong Entertainment Circle. If
only he updated it more. |
But Not Forgotten
Kong Entertainment News in Review
- Once upon a time this was the Internet's
foremost source for Asian entertainment
news. Webmaster Sanney Leung's wit and
intelligence were a welcome thing, especially
when applied to the silliness that was
the HK Entertainment circle. Sanney had
to abandon the site after contracting
some health difficulties. He's since recovered,
but the domain name has been snatched
up. Undaunted, Sanney continues to fight
the good fight at his blog.
Kid.com - HK resident Paul
Fox's review site was a great place to
go for a local take on Hong Kong films.
Sadly, it's no longer online, and someone
took Paul's domain name. If you can help
get it back, please contact us.
Hong Kong Movie Page -
HK resident Tim Young's review site, which
features views on current HK releases
and a database of older ones. Young's
pictures of HK's hand-painted theater
billboards are an especially nice treat.
Plus, he's written the most updated online
resource for where to buy HK DVDs. You
can find it here.
Fu Cult Cinema - Popular
news and review site has long been a favored
online destination for the Asian Cinema
faithful. Home to probably the most active
and entertaining forum for Asian Cinephiles
of all persuasions.
Asia Online -
Frequently updated news and reviews courtesy
of the Asia arm of entertainment industry
giant Variety. Also home to Grady Hendrix's Kaiju
Website - You'll
find a lot of HK-related stuff here, including
an impressive collection of popstar-related
links. However, what I love most about
this site is a fantastic collection of
personal photographs from Hong Kong. Well
worth checking out. Asian
Bay - From the
makers of M-Dream, this useful DVD selling/trading
site is the perfect way to reach the right
audience plus get rid of those pesky Ebay
Card - Also from
the makers of M-Dream, this free service
allows you to send free Asian-themed e-cards
to whomever you wish. Choose from over
3000 pictures, including many scenic shots
of Hong Kong. |
and Information
- Up-to-date Chinese and Hong Kong film
news with plenty of graphics to satiate
the visually-stimulated.
Asian DVD Guide - The most
complete online database for Asian DVD
information, including new releases from
Hong Kong. While updates are not as frequent
as they used to be, you can still get
lots of interesting information and discussion
via their handy forum.
Special Administrative Region - Hong Kong
Top Ten - This site archives
the HKSAR Film Top Ten Box Office updates
that were formerly posted at alt.asian-movies
and soc.culture.hongkong.entertainment.
Updates still occur regularly, and are
full of production info, film industry
gossip and the usual fun columns by our
Chaffing Editor.
Pop News -
Informative blog covering -- what else
-- Asian pop, including movies, music,
and television. The blog is also home
to some entertaining reviews of older
Hong Kong films.
East Asia Entertainment News -
Comprehensive blog with Asian entertainment
news and gossip. Well-organized and full
of star photos. Between this, Asian Pop
News, and the Daily Dumpling, you may
have more star-related news than you could
possibly require.
Asian Media Wiki -
New resource for Asian films, including cast lists, images, and much more. Updated frequently. |
Asian Film Sites
Fu Cinema
- Exceptionally
professional-looking site which has seemingly
cornered the market on news, features
and reviews under one roof.

Hong Kong Movie Database
- The original Hong
Kong Cinema websource, this Internet monstrosity
can be credited to Ryan Law, whose generous
work has benefitted more people than this
website ever could. Joseph Fierro's late,
great Hong Kong Cinema Database is currently
housed here.
- Roaring
to the forefront of the online film scene,
Twitchfilm.com is a good place to go for news, reviews, and
general chatter about Asian films and
Chinese Movie Database
- Mandarin-based database of Chinese films
spanning Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan
Productions. In English or Chinese (with
Big-5 decoder).
- Packed
French site that covers Hong Kong Cinema,
Japanimation and other Asian Cinema. Featuring
reviews, pictures, DVD news and more.
Once upon a time it was all in French,
but that's no longer the case. Click on
over to check out their ever-growing coverage
of Asian Cinema.
on Fire - Fun reviews and
other entertaining content populate this
site. Check out the "Quote Club",
as well as the collection of "flubtitles"
and MP3's. One of the best-looking Asian
Cinema sites out there.
Cinemagic - Another site
based in France, this bilingual (English
and French) site features reviews, pictures,
interviews and other assorted goodies.
Kong Movie World - Fun
collection of filmographies, pictures,
who's who archives and other assorted
stuff celebrating Hong Kong Cinema in
all its weirdness. Webmaster Arash also
runs sister (or is it parent?) site SimonYam.com,
which explores the world of cinematic
psycho and all-around suave guy Simon
Yam Tat-Wah.
The 14 Amazons - Review and DVD site run by Simon Booth, longtime Asian film online presence. His reviews have been posted before at various forums and also on HKMDB, and they're collected here for the very first time. New
Cinema Drifter - Site that mixes reviews, news, and
other assorted information on a variety
of current Asian films. Frequently updated
with a good dynamic design and a welcome
sense of humor.
- German/English bilingual
site with plenty of reviews, news, and
more. The soundtrack reviews are a welcome
unique feature of this site.
- Formerly NixFlix.com,
this massive and frequently-updated archive
of film reviews is fast becoming an essential
website for Asian Cinema and genre movie
fans. Also home to an active forum, and
plenty of personality.
China Dragon - Smaller,
but no less worthy Asian film review site
with a host of features, reviews, and
other information. Home to an invaluable
guide to the mythical Hard Target Director's
Chinese Cinema Page - A
site filled with reviews, articles and
other thoughtful observations on the state
of Chinese Cinema, both past and present.
Maintained by noted film writer Shelly
Kraicer, who also maintains the Chinese
Cinema List, an email discussion list
on (you guessed it) Chinese Cinema.
Den UK - Comprehensive
British website loaded with helpful Asian
Film and DVD reviews, as well as features,
interviews, and even some downloaded multimedia!
Cinema - Australia's
premier Asian Cinema website, formerly
run by the esteemed Mark Morrison. Featuring
showtimes, reviews and all sorts of other
information. This site could make you
want to move to Austraila.
- Fast growing UK-located
website has reviews of new and old Hong
Kong movies, as well as filmographies,
a forum, and plenty of welcome enthusiasm.
Hong Kong
Cinema - View from the Brooklyn Bridge
- One of the Webmaster's
favorite review sites. Many of the reviews
are candid, well-written and far more
interesting than the films they cover.
The site also house many fine features
and pictures of Hong Kong personalities.
Webmaster Brian and reviewer YTSL are
fine people.
Kong Film Net - Reviews,
features and more. They also have an amusing
section devoted to Hong Kong Cinema and
video games, some multimedia downloads,
and some very helpful FAQs.
Illuminated Lantern - Featuring
much cultural and historical information
on Hong Kong Cinema, including articles
on predominant signifiers, i.e. hopping
vampires or gambling gods. Some terrific
capsule reviews and intelligent writing
round out this terrific site.
Good - Hong Kong DVD Movie Reviews
- Featuring well-written,
thoughtful reviews. Kenneth Brorsson's
jam-packed site is worth checking out.
Degrees: Hong Kong Cinema - Fun
personal site with plenty of information,
plot synopses, reviews, and more.
Kong Digital - John
Charles, author of "The Hong Kong
Filmography 1977-1997", reviews two
DVDs weekly in a magazine format. An archive
of past issues is also housed on the site.
No longer updated
on Fire - Review
site HKCuk
has joined forces with So
Good Reviews, plus guys from UK-based
DVD labels Third Window Films and
GreenFanDVD to produce a fun and
informative podcast covering - what else
- Asian films. Head on over and give it
a listen. We guarantee they're far more
enthusasitc than the lot who runs this
place. Hopefully they'll keep it up for
the forseeable future.
Cinema Links compiled by
- One of the best English-language
resources for Korean Cinema newcomers,
with small reviews, box office reports,
and a handy collection of star profiles.
Run by Darcy Pacquet.
Film Commission - A
government-supported entity for the promotion
of Korean films at home and overseas.
There's news, a film database, box office
stats and film production stats going
back all the way to the '80s. Make sure
to click over to the English version of
the site if you're not language savvy.
Film Archive - A
non-profit organization that collects,
preserves and restores visual materials
produced in Korea. Their site has a searchable
archive that goes as far back as 1919!
Apparently, there are currently around
5170 films in the database, many with
a synopsis. The more current films include
movie posters and stills. Select the English
site or you may be lost.
Movie Database - From
those geniuses at the Hong Kong Movie
Database, a new database devoted to Korean
Films. Currently, the site far outshines
their earlier work.
- Entertainment news, info
on television dramas and music, star profiles
AND a forum. This site might not be so
useful as a movie resource, but it's good
if people want to know about the Korean
entertainment industry as a whole.
in SF: Hong Kong Movies in San Francisco
- The Webmaster owes
a great debt to Laura Irvine, who maintains
this informational page listing all theaters
showing Asian films in the Bay Area. While
actual Hong Kong first-run features have
dwindled, both Korean and Indian cinema
are growing in the Bay Area. Find out
where to go!
4-Star Movie Theatre in San Francisco
- The last American
venue which still shows first run Hong
Kong films. Head here to check out showtimes
and upcoming festivals, including their
ongoing Midnight Madness features
Film Foundation - Los Angeles-based
group that promotes
Asian culture through the presentation
of that most wondrous of creative endeavors:
film. Besides running their own screenings,
the AFF website pushes other local festivals
and screenings. The Webmaster knows them
so he has extra squishy feelings for this
Cinema - New York-based
organization responsible for many fine
Asian film fests throughout the year,
including the annual "Asian Films
Are Go!!!" film fest, as well as
similar programs highlighting the films
of Tsui Hark, South Korea, of Bollywood.
The site is also host to a fabulous review
archive written by Grady Hendrix.
Home Video Forum: Asian Cinema Discussion
- The best online forum for Asian
Cinema discussion. Many online reviewers
and webmasters make this forum their home,
along with journalists, professionals,
and people far more successful than the
mentioned, but they have forums too:
DVD Guide
on Fire
Den UK
Hong Kong
Movie Database
Fu Cult Cinema
Lau.com - The official
site for that guy from Needing You,
A Moment of Romance, Running
Out of Time and more movies than you
could possibly mention. The site also
sells exclusive Andy Lau merchandise,
including a nifty pair of Fulltime
Killer action figures. Make sure to
drop him a line to ask why he made The
Wesley's Mysterious File!
Chan.com - The official
site of some guy named Jackie Chan --
whoever that is.
Hung.com - The official
site of the legendary Hong Kong action
star/director Sammo Hung!
Official Site of Donnie Yen
- The official site for the actor, fight
choreographer, director and Bruce Lee
Official Site of Jet Li
- The bad guy from Lethal Weapon 4
has his own website here. Find out what
other movies he made before that masterpiece
Romeo Must Die.
Logan.com - Visit the
official website of the Hong Kong film
industry's most accessible insider, Bey
Logan. You can also check out his blog,
featured on the Dragon
Dynasty Website.
- Exceptionally well-designed and content-rich
site on the pouty-lipped Hong Kong superstar,
Shu Qi. If you want pictures, we suggest
going here. Created by everybody's favorite
web designer, Computer Angel. Don't
Francisco Chinatown.com
- All about the Bay Area version of Chinatown,
which is where the Webmaster once went
to score DVDs and VCDs. There's plenty
to see in San Francisco's Chinatown, and
this well-stocked site is the perfect
Kong Vintage Pop Radio
- New York-based Internet radio station
which features Cantonese pop hits from
the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
Web Alliance for Respectful Treatment
of Hong Kong's Best - A
required visit for the true Hong Kong
film fan. Sign this petition. Perhaps
we can prevent God of Cookery from
being released stateside as Kung-Fu
Culture @ About.com
- A nice collection of links about Chinese
culture, including many HK Cinema related
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