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Note: This blog expresses only the opinions of the blog owner,
and does not represent the opinion of any organization or blog
that is associated with Damn you, Kozo!.

Edison is happy that we’re blogging again

Complain all you want, he still can’t hear you.

“It’s all pops and buzzes from here, dawg.”

Edison is a bad role model. If we did things his way, we would gladly ignore any and all criticism, and would classify those who criticize us as “haters” a.k.a. “people who don’t agree with me, and thus are terrible or awful because of it.” When you think about it, Edison is actually a prime example of the Internet generation: poor English standards, bad perspective and overwhelmingly in love with himself. At least he’s good with a camera.

Bringing this back a bit, and the powers-that-run-it have received a fair amount of criticism over the years. I try to look at the good side: going on ten years online, has long outlived what I thought would be its usefulness. It’s done a great deal for me, and supposedly it’s done a good deal for others too. At least, that’s what the email I get tells me.

At the same time, my email also tells me that the site has annoyed and even offended some, and I do take those complaints seriously. Still, I eventually have to decide if the complaints are fair and have merit, or if they come from people who are operating from a limited if not selfish perspective. It would help if I could read minds, but I don’t seem to be able to do that. Yet.

The last time I updated Damn You, Kozo was over a year ago. In that time, has taken numerous vacations and the site blogs have become rather quiet. Something needs to change. has a focus, limited and unpopular though it may be. Damn You, Kozo needs a focus too. As soon as I figure out what it is, I’ll do it.

In the meantime, this blog will reopen with occasional posts. Michael Wells of the Everyone Likes Movies blog will be contributing some guest posts on the latest New York Asian Film Festival plus we may do one of those Top 100 Hong Kong Movies reader polls again. We might also post some pictures.

It’s good to be back.

8 Responses to “Edison is happy that we’re blogging again”

  1. Marc Says:

    Welcome back! Please don’t leave us again for so long, I missed your witty blog posts.

  2. Veronica Says:

    Agree wholeheartedly! I was swearing ‘Damn you, Kozo’ for no updates for so long! Welcome back! :)

  3. Garvin Says:

    Welcome back!

    And huh?! Another top 100???

    We need a list of your top 90s movies first! ;)

  4. Webmaster Kozo Says:


    Haha, you remember that? Yeah, I ended up not posting that list up. Lots of stuff got in the way.

    I suppose it’s one of the things that I can do before the next Top 100 poll, which will probably cover every single Hong Kong movie out there.

    It won’t be soon though; I’m losing Internet for 2 days.

  5. Farid Says:

    Oh! You’re back! Cool!

  6. Mae Says:

    Keep up the good work! Thanks for the hilarious insight to the life and times of a HK movie fan.

  7. barry gee Says:

    Thanks for going back into the little-appreciated grind of communications. Your film reviews are factual, sane, provocative and far from artsy-fartsy. Just what the movie-lover’s doctor (and shrink) ordered.

  8. Webmaster Kozo Says:

    Thank you to whoever supports this blog’s return, but unfortunately I’ve not attended to it since Michael Wells finished his excellent coverage of NYAFF.

    I’ll return to this thing before August is done, I hope.

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