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Archive for the ‘Best Hong Kong Films Ever’ Category
Saturday, May 4th, 2013
WARNING: If this is your first exposure to this list of THE BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER then you need to stop reading and head back to the very beginning by reading this post. If you start at the beginning, you can witness the suspense and utter verbosity as we count down from film #200 all the way to film #1. But if you start reading with this list of full results, you’ll ruin the whole thing by seeing #1 first. And you know, nobody likes it when you ruin the whole thing.
We mean it: go back to the beginning or you’ll regret it later.

“Trust us. Go back to the beginning. We wish we could.”
Still here? Okay, let’s end this thing.
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever | 4 Comments »
Thursday, January 10th, 2013
Hello there, you are now reading Day 12 and the very last post of THE BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER. It’s been a long journey getting here. We started receiving votes in early November, published our first post on this subject December 17th and now here we are a a full 24 days later, on January 10th, with the final post in this monstrosity.
24 days to reveal this ridiculous countdown (and also that BEST HONG KONG FILM PERFORMANCES feature). That’s a long time for some people.

When Chow Yun-Fat started reading this countdown
he did not have white hair. Or a beard.
This last entry contains only two films because they distanced themselves from all the others on the list early on, and were in a horse race for the number one slot until the very last days. Considering that the #3 film is nearly 100 points behind these two, we felt like separating them would be appropriate.
Also, we should note that thanks to HARD BOILED, THE KILLER and A BETTER TOMORROW placing in slots 6, 5 and 3, John Woo has officially run out aces. No Top 2 finish for you, Mr. Woo.

“Are we done here? I have a more popular Asian film website to visit.”
As usual, if you’re just joining us, you shouldn’t spoil the whole thing by looking at the top film first. Either go back in time using your Flux Capacitor or click one of the below links.
Previous Updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Numbers 110-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Numbers 40-21
Numbers 20-16
Numbers 15-11
Numbers 10-6
Numbers 5-3
So here we go! Hit the jump to see that the #2 film of THE BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER is…
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 16 Comments »
Wednesday, January 9th, 2013
Hey, you’re still here! That’s amazing, because even we’re tired of how long we’re dragging this thing out. This is Day 11 of THE BEST 200 HONG KONG FILMS EVER and we’re here for numbers 5 through 3. Yep, only three films get revealed this time with numbers 1 and 2 left for another day. Sorry to split it up but you’ll see why later. We hope.
Anyway, the Top Ten is shaping up to be a John Woo vs. Wong Kar-Wai showdown, with each auteur possessing two aces left to show in this final five. But the fifth film is one they should be watching out for. You know what it is.

“Everybody freeze! Nobody leaves this room
until my movie gets another award!”
We do apologize that the films making up this TOP 200 list are so predictable. All told, roughly three-quarters of this list came from the eighties, nineties and aughts, and only a few movies from those decades were not featured on one of our previous lists. Wish we could have provided a better service with this vote and come up with a more comprehensive (read: with older movies) list. It’s just a lost opportunity, like the stuff that happens in life or Wong Kar-Wai movies.
Enough talk. Use the links below if you have to catch up.
Previous Updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Numbers 110-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Numbers 40-21
Numbers 20-16
Numbers 15-11
Numbers 10-6
Jump for #5 on our list of the BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER. And it is…
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 3 Comments »
Tuesday, January 8th, 2013
Finally, we’re at Day 10 and the Top 10 of the BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER. No surprise: every one of these films has been seen before in a previous LoveHKFilm Reader Vote, which means that we’re pretty much an eighties-and-up website. It would be good if the site could extend its coverage to the past using our considerable resources — namely access to the Hong Kong Film Archive — to flesh out our review archive. I figure this a long term project that can get underway in, oh, 2030.
But that’s 20 years from now and we have 10 movies ahead of us on list, most of which will come from John Woo and Wong Kar-Wai, two guys who have some key films yet to be accounted for.
John Woo is up for the challenge:

“I’ve got three films and two thumbs ready to kick some ass!”
Wong Kar-Wai isn’t fazed:

“This is me poking you, John Woo!”
By the way, if you’re just joining us, head back to the earlier updates to check out what happened before blah blah blah. Yeah, you’ve heard all this before. Here are the links:
Previous Updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Numbers 110-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Numbers 40-21
Numbers 20-16
Numbers 15-11
The jump’s below. And number 10 in our BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER countdown is…
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 4 Comments »
Sunday, January 6th, 2013
Hi and welcome to Day 9 of THE BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER. We’re limping to the finish line with this thing but we intend to end it this week. Basically, it has to happen or there will be firings.
As discussed multiple times, this is the BEST 200 HONG KONG FILMS EVER, as decided upon by 166 LoveHKFilm.com readers. Through the first 140 or so reveals there were some minor surprises plus a lot of familiar titles showing up from our previous TOP HONG KONG FILMS readers votes. However, from here on out, everything is a Top 10 finisher from before so you can easily suss out which films they are. The ranking still hold some suspense, though.
Sorry, some guys and their movies have been left in the cold:

The things a man must do to remain relevant
in the Hong Kong Entertainment industry
Would you believe THE STORM RIDERS did not place? Personally, I’m a little surprised.
As usual, if you’re just joining us today, it behooves you to check out previous updates to see what went down before. It’s like history class, but with more reading and no required attendance.
Previous Updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Numbers 110-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Numbers 40-21
Numbers 20-15
Let’s get this train rolling! And number 15 is…
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 5 Comments »
Friday, January 4th, 2013
It’s Day 8 of the marathon TOP 200 HONG KONG FILMS EVER countdown, and guess what: we’re nearly done! Well, sort of. Actually, we have a few days left since we always slow down tremendously to bring you the final picks because, you know, suspense is awesome. Even though everyone knows which films will show up. Really, you do. Just look within.
This guy knows that he’s destined for some Top 10 love:

Chow Yun-Fat will see you at the Jumbo
Standard stuff: this list was put together by 166 readers or passerbys of LoveHKFilm.com, a website that inexplicably focuses on Hong Kong movies. Each person sent in a list of 10-20 choices, we tallied them and now we’ve spend a couple of weeks dishing out the results. If you want to see the countdown from the very the beginning, please click the below links to get started.
Previous Updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Numbers 110-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Numbers 40-21
Hit the jump and check out the first film, a little known movie called…
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 1 Comment »
Monday, December 31st, 2012
Hello, and welcome to Day 7 of the BEST 200 HONG KONG FILMS EVER. This is a list of recommended Hong Kong films as decided upon by actual readers of LoveHKFilm.com, an incredibly old Hong Kong Cinema website that is oddly still online after 10 years.
Personal note: I started this website as an amateur to film writing (which you can tell if you read the earlier reviews) but after 10 years the site still receives attention and some respected people even compliment us from time to time. My whole career as an editor and writer can basically be credited to this website. I’m pretty thankful for that.
Hey, did anyone else out there build a successful career despite not having the experience or proven skills to recommend them?

Edison and me: bros for life.
If you’ve been following this countdown, there have been some surprises and some interesting choices, but from here on out, things get a lot more predictable. The films that you expect to show up do, and the films that you don’t expect to show up don’t. Ergo, INFERNAL AFFAIRS: it’s out there somewhere. Also, RAPED BY AN ANGEL: forget it, it ain’t happening.
If you want proof, you should go back and check out the previous entries in this countdown. Anyway, besides seeing that INFERNAL AFFAIRS does not show up yet, going back allows you the chance to see this thing as it was meant to be seen: in order. Otherwise you’re just flipping to the back of the book and ruining it for yourself — you know, like Billy Crystal does in WHEN HARRY MET SALLY. Yeah, we’re really dating ourselves with that reference.
Previous Updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Numbers 110-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Hit the jump and let’s meet numbers 40-21!
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 22 Comments »
Sunday, December 30th, 2012
Hi and welcome to yet another entry in the BEST 200 HONG KONG FILMS EVER. This was supposed to be the sixth day of this thing, but if you count the concurrent BEST HONG KONG FILM PERFORMANCES feature and also all the time involved in preparing, tallying, and formatting this vote — well, it feels like this thing has gone on FOREVER.
Seriously, at this point I’m only slightly more sane than Andy Lau is for wearing this get-up:

“Simba! You must avenge Mufasa!”
Regardless, we’re going to complete this thing even if it kills us. Or the reader. Speaking of which, we apologize in advance for the way we’re writing the blurbs for these movies because they’re starting to make absolutely no sense. Really, when you pump out 200 of these things during the holidays in addition to regular work and social commitments — well, I believe that the clinical term for what it makes you is “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”
Oh yeah, previous updates. Read them first or THERE WILL BE BLOOD:
Previous Updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Numbers 110-81
Numbers 80-61
We’re getting closer to the end. Quick, jump!
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes, Bad Blog Writing | 7 Comments »
Wednesday, December 26th, 2012
Before we continue our countdown of THE BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER, we’re pausing for a message from our sponsor:

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Brand Takeshi.”
Onwards and upwards. This is Day 5 of THE BEST 200 HONG KONG FILMS EVER, and we’re slowing down ever-so-slightly to 20 films per post. That’ll continue until we reach number 20, after which we’ll go 10, 5 and 5. We’ve planned this down to the last detail. Except for figuring out the BEST HONG KONG FILM EVER. We’ll decide that using a coin toss the day after tomorrow.
Don’t forget to read from the beginning if you’re just joining us.
Previous updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Numbers 100-81
Time to jump for Jesus! Or his secular equivalent!
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 7 Comments »
Friday, December 21st, 2012
Welcome to Day 3 in our countdown of the BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER. Already the unthinkable has happened: FUTURE COPS has appeared on this list. It’s like Armageddon.

“I told you: you make a deal with the devil
and good things will happen. This explains my career.”
Like we always say, if this is the first time you’re visiting this page, you should head back to the beginning. Then you experience this thing in order and become more and more frustrated as middling films rank above great ones. Like THE TWINS EFFECT over THE 8 DIAGRAM POLE FIGHTER, or FUTURE COPS over everything. Some things just defy explanation.
Previous Updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Hit the jump and let’s keep this thing moving! We may never finish at this rate.
Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 6 Comments »
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