Note: This blog expresses only the opinions of the blog owner, and does not represent the opinion of any organization or blog that is associated with Damn you, Kozo!.
Archive for the ‘Celebrity Photos’ Category
Thursday, January 12th, 2012
Hey everyone, it’s a blog entry! Remember when we used to do this every two weeks or so? Now we’re looking at a two year gap. It’s simply awful, but now we’re back. Yay!

“Do I look like I care about your stupid blog?
When Jackie reads, nothing else matters!”
Since I haven’t done this in a while, this will be a big blog entry with highlights of what’s coming up on the site, plus some “how did we end up here” navel-gazing. Since self-reflection is undoubtedly tiresome, the promises and other highlights come first. Even better, it’ll happen in bullet points. If I could draw up an infographic, I would.
Posted in Hong Kong Film Issues, Toys, LoveHKFilm Issues, Celebrity Photos, Life with Kozo | 26 Comments »
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not a big chaser of star photos, especially when said photo involves me actually standing next to them. Considering that I may have panned their latest movie, getting all chummy with celebs is something I’ve never been partial to.
That said, this year I did take pictures with two Chinese actors. The first one was with Nick Cheung.

Nick Cheung just won Best Actor at the Golden Horse Film Awards, but he had to share it with someone else. There was a tie, and the other winner was the world’s most awesome actor, Huang Bo.
Coincidentally, Huang Bo was the other actor I took a photo with this year.

What this means: to increase your chances - nay, to guarantee that you win an acting award, you should take a photo with me AND make sure that your competition doesn’t. Though who knows, maybe you can score a tie like these guys.
Seeing as how IP MAN 2 is coming this year, I think I may be able to help. Donnie, give me a call.

Just keep your shirt on.
Posted in Huang Bo, We're really kidding, Nick Cheung, Donnie Yen, Awards, Celebrity Photos | 6 Comments »
Saturday, September 26th, 2009
It’s vacation time for LoveHKFilm.com - or at least, the person who runs it - so that means another 2 or 3 weeks of hand-wringing as we wonder if the site will ever get updated again. I’ll break the suspense by revealing that it will, indeed, get an update someday. After all, where else will I publish my review of KING OF SPY 2008?

This movie could be playing on You Tube right now
Also, Kevin Ma plans on reviewing Super Duper Communist Movie THE FOUNDING OF A REPUBLIC, which details the rise of Communism in the great country of China. I will not be around to see the movie, or I would review it myself. As has been noted on fine Internet publications, everyone who works at this site loves China. *whistles innocently*
Posted in Donnie Yen, Leon Lai, Huang Bo, Shu Qi, Shawn Yue, Film Festivals, Concerts, Celebrity Photos | 6 Comments »
Friday, July 3rd, 2009
So last Wednesday I was walking down the street in Tsimshatsui and I happened upon this scene:

There’s always a crowd in front of 7-11
Hey, they were shooting a film! I was genuinely surprised and hung around to snap some photos. Hanging out near the film set resulted in me being 75 minutes late for a date with a girl, but she understood. Unfortunately, I have been unable to confirm her understanding because she won’t return my phone calls.
I’m sure Nick Cheung would have done the same thing:

“I totally make women wait!
They are powerless to resist my debonair charm.”
Posted in Nick Cheung, Set Visits, Leon Lai, Nicholas Tse, Meeting celebrities, Movie News, Celebrity Photos | 17 Comments »
Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
Man, it’s been awhile. And it’ll probably be a lot longer before I write in this thing again because in a few short hours, I’m off to Italy. Again. My toys will miss me:

Carue and Chopper will guard my Blu-ray collection.
This year is the second year that I’m attending the Far East Film Festival. I get to go because I contributed to their catalog and book, plus I’m fortunate enough to have saved enough money for a plane ticket. This is a special time of the year because it represents the end of a lot of stuff. The Hong Kong International Film Festival is over. The Hong Kong Film Awards and associated drama is over. The LoveHKFilm Awards and all the related busywork is over. All that’s left is the review writing, which I’ll get to when I get to. That’s what 2009 is about for me: not doing more than I have to.
Posted in Awards, Donnie Yen, Toys, Chow Yun-Fat, Celebrity Photos, Kozo's Mailbag, Andy Lau | 11 Comments »
Saturday, February 14th, 2009
Zhang Ziyi wants to wish you an even happier Lunar New Year!

“This stuffed cow has seen me naked, too!”
In other news, the annual LoveHKFilm Awards will be announced Sunday, March 15th, 2009. I would tell you to mark your calendars, but because these awards are less important than the day-old donut sale at Dunkin’ Donuts, I won’t presume to do so. Instead, I ask that you drop by to see the results if you would be so kind as to deign us with your presence. You’d be surprised at how many people don’t deign.
Posted in Awards, Eason Chan, Shu Qi, Edison Chen, Chow Yun-Fat, Ekin Cheng, Celebrity Photos | 11 Comments »
Friday, February 6th, 2009
Happy Lunar New Year, everyone!
Rather, Happy Late Lunar New Year. I’m forever getting behind. I’m so behind, in fact, that I’ll post up this celebrity Lunar New Year photo from last year:

“I think this is going to be a good year!”
Yes, this photo was taken before…uh, that thing that happened.
Posted in Kelly Chen, Toys, Eason Chan, LoveHKFilm Issues, Edison Chen, Celebrity Photos, Twins, Stephy Tang, Andy Lau | 17 Comments »
Thursday, January 8th, 2009
Completely minor announcement: there will be no “End of 2008″ post on this blog anytime soon, and barring another self-serving edition of Kozo’s Mailbag, I’ll probably be stepping away from this blog for a few more weeks.
Someone is already unhappy about the news:

“Whaddya mean no ‘End of 2008′ post?
What am I supposed to do now?”
Posted in Film Festivals, Donnie Yen, Movie News, Ekin Cheng, Celebrity Photos, Life with Kozo | 11 Comments »
Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008
NOTE: For this edition of Damn You Kozo, I’m combining a number of topics I was planning on writing separate blog entries about. Due to various reasons it’s been difficult getting anything off the ground, so I figured it was everything or nothing. Sadly, I have too many ideas to list everything, so why don’t we go with just five? Sounds like a plan.
Anyway, let’s get this over with.
Abandoned Blog Entry #1
This is kind of cool:

Posted in Aaron Kwok, LoveHKFilm Issues, Donnie Yen, Film Festivals, Stephy Tang, Twins, Kozo's Mailbag, Chow Yun-Fat, Celebrity Photos | 19 Comments »
Friday, October 31st, 2008
Aaaaaaaad, we’re back. These toys in my living room say “Hi”:

Clearly, my toy collection kicks ass
Anyway, the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival is now over. During that 17-day period I consumed 18 movies, 5 short films, 2 regular theatrical releases and plenty of bad food. Amazingly, I did not get sick, though I do recall nodding off during my screening of 881.

Hokkien musicals put this cat to sleep, too
Posted in Toys, Donnie Yen, Film Festivals, Movie News, Ekin Cheng, Celebrity Photos | 7 Comments »
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