Note: This blog expresses only the opinions of the blog owner, and does not represent the opinion of any organization or blog that is associated with Damn you, Kozo!.
December 27th, 2012
Our third installment of the BEST HONG KONG FILM PERFORMANCES reveals the Gold Performances, meaning we’ll finish this up in 2 more posts: one for the Best Actor/Actress and runner-ups, plus a final post for Best Hong Kong Film Performance Ever. Yeah, we’re stretching this out.
Before we get to the Gold Performances, it’s been noted that the these awards have been male dominated. That’s not much of a surprise. English language coverage of Hong Kong film is largely genre-oriented, and vocal or active genre film fans are largely male — just check out your favorite genre film website and note how many writers, editors and commenters are men. It’s like a sausage party out there on the Interwebs.
That said, if this lady doesn’t get some recognition soon there will be hell to pay:

“Fix this. NOW.”
We’re working on it. But really, you should try appearing more movies. It could up your chances.
As usual, you may want to check out previous results before you get to this one. Sadly, you won’t find any Stephy Tang or Shawn Yue performances there. Spoiler: neither will be mentioned on this or later posts. Our apologies to the FEEL 100% 2003 alumni.
Previous updates:
- Honorable Mentions
- Bronze and Silver Performances
Hit the jump and go for gold.
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Posted in Best Hong Kong Film Performances, Reader Votes | 7 Comments »
December 26th, 2012
Before we continue our countdown of THE BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER, we’re pausing for a message from our sponsor:

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Brand Takeshi.”
Onwards and upwards. This is Day 5 of THE BEST 200 HONG KONG FILMS EVER, and we’re slowing down ever-so-slightly to 20 films per post. That’ll continue until we reach number 20, after which we’ll go 10, 5 and 5. We’ve planned this down to the last detail. Except for figuring out the BEST HONG KONG FILM EVER. We’ll decide that using a coin toss the day after tomorrow.
Don’t forget to read from the beginning if you’re just joining us.
Previous updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Numbers 100-81
Time to jump for Jesus! Or his secular equivalent!
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Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 7 Comments »
December 24th, 2012
Greetings and welcome to the fourth installment of THE BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER. We’re getting through this thing, though it’s become a bit tiresome, like eating your vegetables or watching a Hou Hsiao-Hsien film.

“I know, I can’t stand Hou Hsiao-Hsien films.
Really, everything about Taiwan sucks.”
Standard boilerplate that we must say every time: if you’re just joining us, make sure to go back to beginning to get the full story of this reader vote there. Joining anything halfway, like a movie or a surgical procedure, reduces the benefits of said thing greatly. Better to get in on the ground floor and not worry if you missed anything at the start.
Previous updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Numbers 140-111
Almost to the halfway point! Hit the jump and lets get there.
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Posted in Best Hong Kong Film Performances, Reader Votes | 6 Comments »
December 22nd, 2012
Hello, and welcome to the second installment of THE BEST HONG KONG FILM PERFORMANCES, as decided upon by LoveHKFilm.com readers. This is the type of reader vote that gives multiple awards to Chow Yun-Fat and Leslie Cheung but ignores thespians like Jay Chou. It is a mind-boggling crime.
At least Jay Chou has abs and a grandmother to caress them:

There is nothing awkward about this photo at all.
Last time we gave away Honorable Mentions to performances receiving 5-7 votes by over 80 of our readers. This time, it’s the Bronze Performances, given to anyone who got 8-9 votes, and Silver Performances, given to anyone who got 10-13. Why only a 2-point range for Bronze but a 4-point range for Silver. Hmmm, no reason at all, except it means 5 performances per tier. The math is messy but the symmetry is oh-so-nice.
If you’re just arriving at our BEST HONG KONG FILM PERFORMANCES series, be sure to check out the first post before you read the rest. Chronological progression, like symmetry, is pretty nifty.
Previous updates:
- Honorable Mentions
Hit the jump to see who gets the Bronze!
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Posted in Best Hong Kong Film Performances, Reader Votes | 10 Comments »
December 21st, 2012
Welcome to Day 3 in our countdown of the BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER. Already the unthinkable has happened: FUTURE COPS has appeared on this list. It’s like Armageddon.

“I told you: you make a deal with the devil
and good things will happen. This explains my career.”
Like we always say, if this is the first time you’re visiting this page, you should head back to the beginning. Then you experience this thing in order and become more and more frustrated as middling films rank above great ones. Like THE TWINS EFFECT over THE 8 DIAGRAM POLE FIGHTER, or FUTURE COPS over everything. Some things just defy explanation.
Previous Updates:
Numbers 200-171
Numbers 170-141
Hit the jump and let’s keep this thing moving! We may never finish at this rate.
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Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 6 Comments »
December 20th, 2012
Hi, and welcome to Day Two of our countdown of THE BEST 200 HONG KONG FILMS EVER. In the first installment, which covered numbers 200-171, the Twins actually had two films show up. They must be feeling pretty good right now.

“Hey Hong Kong Cinema, who’s your daddy?”
Actually, knowing the rest of this countdown, Hong Kong Cinema’s daddy is most definitely not them.
If this is the first whiff you’re getting of this countdown, we suggest you head back and check out the first entry. It gives you an idea of where this is going, plus prevents you from asking where that damn SEX AND ZEN movie ranks.
Previous entries:
Numbers 200-171
Enough talk, hit the jump to see if MIGHTY PEKING MAN shows up!
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Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 5 Comments »
December 19th, 2012
As promised, here’s our nifty sidebar to the BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER countdown, presenting the BEST HONG KONG FILM PERFORMANCES as voted upon by LoveHKFilm.com Readers.
You know who’s excited:

Tony Leung Chiu-Wai as Puss in Boots from SHREK 2.
Who’s not so excited:

“First you take my helicopter, and now this!”
Some quick facts about this vote: about 83 readers participated, with each able to vote for 10 performances. Each vote was given a single point, and considering that a total of 311 performances were voted on, it was an achievement for any single performance to get even 5 votes.
We’ve decided to announce the results of this vote in tiers:
- Honorable Mentions to performances receiving between 5-7 votes
- Bronze Performances to performances receiving between 8-9 votes
- Silver Performances to performances receiving between 10-13 votes
- Gold Performances to performances receiving between 14-16 votes
- Best Performance by an Actor + 1 runner-up to the top 2 male perfs
- Best Performance by an Actress + 1 runner-up to the top 2 female perfs
- and finally a Best Performance Ever designation to the absolute top vote-getter
As usual, this process has zero actual meaning in the world of cinema. This is a vote run by fans for fans, so expect a lot of popular choices and beautiful people. Actually, if you think about it, the Golden Globes are run this way too.
We’ll handle this between all the BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER posts going on.
Let’s get to it! Hit the jump:
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Posted in Best Hong Kong Film Performances, Reader Votes | 5 Comments »
December 17th, 2012
It’s about damn time we started this thing. Who’s excited?

Wong Jing is excited, but not about this list of Hong Kong films.
In case you’re just joining us, this is our countdown of THE BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER as decided upon by LoveHKFilm.com readers. Originally we were going to list 150 films but because of the amount of participation - 166 voters, 481 films nominated - we were able to extend this out to a massive list of 200 films. Shocking. I mean, who knew people liked that many Hong Kong movies?
So, what’s this list good for? Well, besides reading material at work, you can use this as a list of recommended films as selected by your peers. Who better to tell you what to watch than other normal people, plus a few journalists, film fest personnel, the occasional producer and some crazy Wong Jing fans? This list easily beats my list of 15 personal recommendations, though honestly each one of those films does appear (Spoiler!). I’m nothing if not a crowd follower.
The caveat: our list is not meant to be authoritative or all encompassing. Really, this whole exercise was done in fun so I hope you don’t look at it derisively and snort, “This is some fanboy crap.” It’s a list created by people who actually cared enough about Hong Kong Cinema to email us and tell us what they like. As such, we hope you respect the list as you would their individual opinions.
If not, too bad. File your grievance with Jay Chou:

“Go ahead and complain, this microphone isn’t plugged in.”
To get us started, this blog entry will reveal numbers 200-171 of the BEST HONG KONG FILMS EVER, with subsequent blog entries revealing more and more until we finish up sometime in 2013. If you’d like to find out about the scoring system and all that mathematical jazz, you can read about it at the original post here. At the end of this process we’ll reveal the entire list so that you can pick it apart until you’re blue in the face.
Oh, and in between we’ll throw out some of the results of our BEST HONG KONG FILM PERFORMANCES reader vote. We plan on sleeping when this whole thing is over.
Hit the jump to start at number 200!
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Posted in Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 15 Comments »
December 5th, 2012
Voting is officially done on our Best 100 Hong Kong Films Ever reader vote. We took in over 160 submissions with nearly 400 movies suggested, and the point distribution looks like it’ll support a list with at least 150 films. So that’s what we’ll do: publish a countdown of the Best 150 Hong Kong Films Ever as selected by LoveHKFilm Readers.
Donnie Yen’s chances of getting Mismatched Couples on the list have suddenly increased.

“You trying to fight me Keanu? Because I’m over here.”
We are (or I am, to be more specific) now counting the votes and we should be hopefully be done this week. After that, we have to format the list, write the blurbs, dig up the photos and then publish the whole thing for your reading pleasure/derision. It’s a lot of work, but it’ll hopefully pay off with smiles and rainbows. Really, those things happen a lot less than you’d think.
A word of warning: a lot of the titles previously featured on our Aughts, Nineties and Eighties lists show up again. This Best Hong Kong Films Ever vote was severely loaded with those previously selected films, so expect a list with the same old movies directed by the same old directors and starring the same old actors. This is to be expected as LoveHKFilm is largely a site devoted to Hong Kong Cinema from the eighties-and-up, so the films readers favor would naturally skew that direction. Not exactly a victory for diversity, I know.
The good news? MY WIFE IS EIGHTEEN, which ranked #35 on our Top 50 Hong Kong Movies of the Aughts reader vote, doesn’t look like it’s going to make the cut. Or gain a vote, actually.

“Don’t worry Charlene, MY SASSY HUBBY
will totally be the best film of the year.”
Not as many people participated in our Best Hong Kong Film Performances reader vote, but we’ve received enough to do something fun on the side. I figure we’ll name a Best Actor and Best Actress, plus name actors and roles that got a lot of votes (i.e., more than just three or four). Naming a Most Popular Actor and Most Popular Actress is a good idea too, though before even counting the votes I’m going to guess Tony Leung Chiu-Wai and Maggie Cheung will win those.
We’ll also name a Best Hong Kong Film Performance Ever to the actor and role that got the most votes. I guarantee the winner will not be Aaron Kwok in CITY UNDER SIEGE.

This picture is complete crap.
You know Aaron Kwok doesn’t actually shave.
Actual posts kicking this thing off will likely start in another ten days and then run through the rest of the month. Hopefully it’ll work out and it won’t be 2013 before we finish this thing. See you in a few.
Posted in Best Hong Kong Film Performances, Best Hong Kong Films Ever | 7 Comments »
November 4th, 2012
Hey everyone, it’s time for the next and final reader vote here at LoveHKFilm.com. Who’s ready?

“This time FUTURE COPS wins for sure.”
As it’s the 10th year of this site’s existence, I figured it would be nice to run one last winner-takes-all reader vote for The Best 100 Hong Kong Films Ever. It’ll work the same as it always has: readers vote, I tally up the picks and them announce them countdown-style. Each time I’ve done this, it’s provided entertaining results that help to alleviate the boredom of at least a handful of people. So why not again?
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Posted in Best Hong Kong Film Performances, Best Hong Kong Films Ever, Reader Votes | 27 Comments »
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