Note: This blog expresses only the opinions of the blog owner, and does not represent the opinion of any organization or blog that is associated with Damn you, Kozo!.
April 8th, 2010
NOTE: If you’re just staring to read this Top 100 list, please go back to the very beginning to experience it from #100. Starting here will spoil the fun, plus result in the death of kittens.
On the list of things that I should be doing at this very minute, putting up a complete list of our recent Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Nineties is not one of them. But it’s been nearly two weeks since the results went out so I figured I should finally get to it.
These guys were happy with the results:
“We have triumphed again, Tony.
Wilson and Donnie have nothing on us!”
Can’t wait for the scene in Wong Kar-Wai’s IP MAN where Ip Man kicks ass and then smokes in slow motion for about half-an-hour.
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Posted in Reader Votes, Top Hong Kong Films of the 90s | 11 Comments »
March 23rd, 2010
Hello and welcome to the final episode of the Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Nineties, as decided upon by LoveHKFilm Readers who had far too much time on their hands. This countdown has dragged on for a week now, so people must be ready to find out what’s in the Top 5. You’re all excited, right?

“I can’t have any more movies on this list, so what do I care?
These people are morons if they can’t rank me higher than #10!
I call shenanigans! Screw this! I’m going home!”
Well, maybe not everyone is that excited.
Anyway, it was necessary to drag this thing out for so long because A) we needed to manufacture suspense, and B) we needed to delay things to finish writing the blurbs, resizing the photos, and attending to that thing called a day job. But hey, we made it. We can finally return to our regular life, which involves sleep, some hopeful PS3 time and maybe some attention paid to the main LoveHKFilm website. Last we checked, it still existed.
We’re always required to always say this: if you’ve just joined us, check out the earlier entries so as not to ruin the experience of reading the countdown from the very first entry. We urge you to punish yourself and start from the beginning:
Numbers 100-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Numbers 40-31
Numbers 30-21
Numbers 20-11
Numbers 10-6
Okay, let’s finish this thing! Then we can forget that it ever happened.
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Posted in Reader Votes, Top Hong Kong Films of the 90s | 50 Comments »
March 22nd, 2010
Welcome to the latest entry in our Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Nineties, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah. You know the drill, so let’s get to it, okay? We’re not getting any younger.
“God, that Webmaster Kozco is so rude, Charlene!
And what’s this comment about not getting any younger?
Thanks to digital photography, I’ll be 23 forever!”
Today’s entry introduces you to Numbers 10-6, as usual determined by actual LoveHKFilm readers. We’re down to ten left, but because we enjoy dragging this thing out until the very end, we’re splitting the final ten into two posts with five films apiece. You can do math with that information.
Standard boilerplate: If you have yet to start reading this Top 100, we highly suggest you go back to the beginning so that you don’t inadvertently reveal to yourself that the #12 movie on this list is RUMBLE AGES. Earlier entries:
Numbers 100-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Numbers 40-31
Numbers 30-21
Numbers 20-11
Let’s get this thing going!
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Reader Votes, Top Hong Kong Films of the 90s | 23 Comments »
March 22nd, 2010
We were always Twits, but now we’re on Twitter. Look who’s excited:

“Yesssssss! I’m STOKED for this, man!”
Oh, hmm, wrong guy for this site. How about this:

“Oh boy! LoveHKFilm.com on Twitter!
It makes me drool. I also need walkies.”
The official LoveHKFilm Twitter feed can be found RIGHT HERE GO NOW. There’s actually another LoveHKFilm Twitter out there but I have no idea who runs it or what they do. I’m guessing it’s not related to me because my multiple personality disorder was cured back in 2004.
Joining Twitter is just another part of this website’s quest to take over the universe, or at least find other ways to prevent our eventual death. As the site enters its ninth year online, we haven’t done much to enhance ourselves beyond some barely updated blogs and a greater dedication to writing about movies that nobody cares about. There are some personal reasons in there too, but I shan’t bore you with them because this post is about LoveHKFilm.com and not the dope who runs the thing.
Right now, I’m the only one who’s using it, but sooner or later, I hope to add a few other people so we can collectively dispense news, tidbits or chatter relating to Hong Kong Cinema and the HK film scene. As such, when I write about myself on Twitter I will likely be talking in the 3rd person. I’m sure that’ll excite people.

“Actually, this news makes me sad. Why does
LoveHKFilm have to find new ways to hurt us?”
Sorry Cecilia. We’ll stop making fun of you for a week.
Anyway, LoveHKFilm Twitter is now launched. If we can use it for another 6 months before mothballing it, it’ll already be a success.
Posted in LoveHKFilm Issues, Shameless Self Promotion | 2 Comments »
March 21st, 2010
It’s put up or shut up time as we enter the Top 20 of our Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Nineties. Basically, everything that appears from here on out had better be a nearly-unassailable classic, or we’ll have a lot of explaining to do. Already people are jockeying for position:

“Man, we are so going to own this Top 20!”
For the record, right now Tony Leung Chiu-Wai has 5 films in the Top 100, and Stephen Chow has 14. Tony does have some hole cards, though.
As explained in every single entry in this series, this list was selected by actual LoveHKFilm readers who took the time to send in their picks for their favorite Hong Kong films. Judging by the results, you can learn a lot — not only about who reads this site, but also about the general state of international Hong Kong Cinema fandom. Generally, we all watch too much Stephen Chow, plus we have stopped appreciating such fine artists as Carol Cheng, Ekin Cheng and Sammo Hung. Everyone out there, where is your sense of history?
Oh yeah, if you’re just joining us, please check out the previous entries first so you don’t ruin the surprise of finding out that the number one film is INFATUATION:
Numbers 100-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Numbers 40-31
Numbers 30-21
Enough talk, it’s time to see what shows up for numbers 20-11!
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Reader Votes, Top Hong Kong Films of the 90s | 33 Comments »
March 20th, 2010
Hello and welcome to Day 174 of our year-long look at the Top 100 Hong Kong Movies of the Nineties, as voted upon by actual LoveHKFilm readers who had the time and the generosity to compile their lists of favorite nineties films and send them in. On our end, we compiled the results using five irritable monkees who live on the balcony of my apartment. I think they did a good job.
This guy is still waiting for his first appearance on this list:

“I can’t believe nobody has voted for my films!
I’m going to wear regular glasses to hide my shame.”
As usual, if you’re just joining us today you should really check out the previous lists so that you don’t ruin the surprise and/or aggravation of seeing what shows up:
Numbers 100-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Numbers 40-31
Today’s list covers numbers 30-21 of the Top 100. At this time I should thank the numerous readers who sent in their lists with comments added, as I can reprint them here to enhance the film blurbs AND spare myself a little time copywriting. You know who you are, and since your names get listed with your comments, now everybody else does too. Thanks a lot!
Hit the jump to get started!
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Reader Votes, Top Hong Kong Films of the 90s | 27 Comments »
March 18th, 2010
Welcome to the latest edition of the Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Nineties. Now that we’re past the halfway point, we’re slowing down a bit, with this entry revealing numbers 40-31 of the Top 100. We’ll do ten more a day until the very end, when we’ll slow to maybe five per day. If we feel like dragging it out even longer, we’ll move to only one a day. Nobody can stop us.

“God, this site is so annoying.”
Sorry, Charlene. We also apologize because it’s impossible for you to have any movies on this list. Most of the time you were in junior high, anyway.
Anyway, if you’ve just tuned in, we highly suggest that you check out previous entries to make it even more exciting/frustrating:
Numbers 100-81
Numbers 80-61
Numbers 60-41
Will Stephen Chow see even more domination? What about Wong Jing? Hit the jump to see Numbers 40-31!
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Reader Votes, Top Hong Kong Films of the 90s | 22 Comments »
March 17th, 2010
It’s the third in our 23-part series of the Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Nineties, as decided upon by actual LoveHKFilm Readers. This time, we’re revealing numbers 60-41 of our Top 100. Most likely, you won’t find THE FRUIT IS SWELLING here.
If you’ve just joined us, we highly suggest that you check out previous updates first:
Numbers 100-81
Numbers 80-61
For those keeping score: thus far Tsui Hark had something to do with 5 films, Leslie Cheung has appeared in 6, and Stephen Chow has starred in 7. Johnnie To clocks in at only 4 films. Wong Jing? He’s involved in a whopping 9 out of a possible 40 films. We sense domination.

“I’ve got aces in my pants, too!”
Hit the jump to see what shows up!
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Posted in Reader Votes, Top Hong Kong Films of the 90s | 32 Comments »
March 16th, 2010
Welcome to second installment in our countdown of the Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Nineties. Sorry for the two day gap but we were busy. Life’s like that.
Today, we’ll be looking at Numbers 80-61 of our Top 100, all determined by actual LoveHKFilm.com Readers. Yes, they do exist.
Previous updates:
Numbers 100-81
In case you’re following along, each film has a link to an existing review at LoveHKFilm.com, if not the film’s entry at the Hong Kong Movie Database. When putting this whole thing together, I took the opportunity to read some of the earliest reviews on this website. There are over 15 years of film reviews stored here, and if the later reviews qualify as solid writing, than the earliest are juvenile chicken scratch. I’m actually embarrassed to link to them. However, as Confucius said, “Only by sampling our vomit may we cook a dish that is palatable.”
Okay, maybe he didn’t say that.

“Someone’s bullsh*tting using my name again.”
Hit the jump to find the list!
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Reader Votes, Top Hong Kong Films of the 90s | 16 Comments »
March 14th, 2010
No, we didn’t forget. It’s time for another countdown from a LoveHKFilm Reader Vote! Simon Yam and pals are excited:

“Oh boy! We gotta get to a computer to check out the results!”
After a couple of weeks of tallying and formatting, we’re counting down the Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Nineties, as voted upon by LoveHKFilm.com’s readers. Response was pretty good; we received over 130 entries and over 250 total films were nominated. We barely got any sleep over here.
First of all, an apology: a lot of good stuff didn’t make the cut, but that’s to be expected. This vote is a totally subjective thing, so if you disagree with the results — well, that’s your problem. Next time you can participate to help sway the vote.
Also, our apologies to everyone who voted for GOD OF GAMBLERS and A CHINESE GHOST STORY, but both those films actually came out in the eighties. You’ll have to vote for them another time.
This entry lists Numbers 81-100 of the Top 100. We’ll follow next time with 20 more, before getting really annoying and cutting it back to 10 or even 5 per entry as things progress. We’ll try to add a new entry every 1-2 days, but that’s not a promise.
Let’s get started:
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Reader Votes, Top Hong Kong Films of the 90s | 22 Comments »
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