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News Links: Sexy Photos Gate May 2009 Update

Sexy Photos Gate reared its ugly head again this week as news about the three main protagonists of the saga surfaced:


A very public display of affection from Nicholas Tse to Cecilia Chung


Chinese media are speculating that Chen’s return to Hong Kong is a “hungry dog backed into a corner” situation.  He’s supposedly taking the risk because of the financial state of the Chen family.  His father, Chen Chak-Man, declared bankruptcy earlier this year.  Her sister, model Tricia Chen Kin-Fei, is seeing very little demand for her services.  Chen’s own image took another hit in February when he was crushed by Cecilia Cheung in a widely broadcast interview.  Market share for Chen’s clothing company, CLOT, is facing increased pressure from Juno Mak’s clothing line Chapel of Dawn.

More Edison Chen:

On the May 29th edition of the RTHK radio show MADE IN HONG KONG with Alex Lee, former Cookies member Angela Au revealed that she had heard from her circle of friends that ol’ EDC has broken up with girlfriend Vincy Yeung.  Au: “That’s what I heard.  I don’t know if they’ll get back together.  You know how it is with young people, they’re always breaking up and getting together.


Gillian Chung Yan-Tung spent her Tuen Ng Festival performing in a show in Tongling, China.  By all accounts, she was warmly received.

  • I guess the comeback isn’t proceeding that well.  This has the feel of looking up a popular TV star from the 1980s/1990s and seeing that she’s now “appearing in a production of the award-winning Broadway play THE GLASS MENAGERIE” but it’s “regional theatre” in Lincoln, Nebraska.  No offense to the good people of Tongling and Lincoln.
  • Photos 

Back later with a regular news links post.

2 Responses to “News Links: Sexy Photos Gate May 2009 Update”

  1. Viktor B Says:

    Hello, as a faithful reader of lovehkfilm, I am surprised it took me so long to discover this wonderful blog. It really is the best and most enjoyable summary of HK entertainment news that I have been able to find so far, and I would like to thank the author for it. It perfectly complements lovehkfilm’s stream of movie reviews, and makes this website my one-stop source of all things related to HK entertainment. Well done, and thank you for all the effort that goes into it. Best wishes, Viktor

  2. jackie Says:

    i’ve seen one of ed’s movies and it was really good and i dont know what the fuss is about this cause everyone’s doing it these days. also i thought that ed was with one of these girls instead of that chinese beauty Copyright © 2002-2024 Ross Chen