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Why You Wouldn’t Want To Be Jaycee Chan: Reason #218

Compiling a news links post which should be appear shortly but I couldn’t resist throwing in my two cents after coming across this item about Jackie Chan:

Jackie Chan praises kung fu of Will Smith’s son

RELATED: Jackie Chan’s blog post about THE KUNG FU KID

Once again, Jackie Chan throws his son under the bus.  It’s weird that he constantly feels the need to take these public digs at his kid.  What’s even more off-putting about this instance is that Big Brother Jackie seems to be doing it for thirty pieces of silver.  Doesn’t it come across a little bit as him singing the praises of Jaden Smith because he’s sucking up to Will Smith?  There have got to be countless ways to make the same point without going out of his way to slam his own flesh and blood.  Did he really need to say this: “He put my son to shame!  I provided my son with the best martial artists in the world, and he could not be persuaded to try it.”

Isn’t this odd behaviour for a public figure?  How many famous people continually denigrate their offspring in the pubic eye?  When Richard Li and Isabella Leong announced the birth of their son last month, Li Ka-Shing didn’t go on Twitter and tweet about how he wished his son spent more time making money and less time having children out of wedlock with starlets.  Instead, he told the press that he was happy to be “promoted to grandfather status”.

Jackie Chan’s behaviour reminds me, a bit, of something the great Tracy Jordan said in the 30 ROCK episode “Tracy Does Conan”.  In it, he revealed:  “I like to walk around my house naked, to remind my oldest son who’s still got the biggest ding-dong.”

With an old man like Big Brother Jackie, it’s remarkable that we haven’t had any news stories of Jaycee Chan crashing his Ferrari in the Central district or inappropriately touching a taxi driver while in a drunken stupor.


- A quick merci to m for the French lesson in the comments section of the last post.

- Speaking of comments, I’m temporarily switching the blog’s discussion function to “moderated” because the comments section has been overrun, of late, with spam.

Back later with a news links post.

3 Responses to “Why You Wouldn’t Want To Be Jaycee Chan: Reason #218”

  1. langong Says:

    Regarding Jackie Chan’s comments I wonder is it because of the $$$ and fame (?) I think he’s rich and famous enough , with his position at this time and day can he just enjoy life and occasionally make a movie that he likes to make, he definitely doesn’t have to kowtow to the West or the North .

    btw : does Sanney remember Wolverine’s news of the weeks way back then ? I keep getting confuse :)

  2. Dana Says:

    *shrugs* maybe it’s these comments that keep Jaycee humble and grounded.

  3. Leon Says:

    It’s not all that surprising, to be honest.

    The Chinese place heavy emphasis on academic study and family traditions. What’s more, they perhaps find it more difficult to express love and caring for one another as liberally and as freely as people do in the west, especially the old-fashioned types. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely there, but centuries of massive pressure on kids to do well at school and lead a life of hard work and toil has led the general idea of tough love being the norm these days.

    I think Jackie is just expressing tough love as well. Coupled with the fact that Jaycee didn’t do too great academically means that Jackie has more of a reason to push Jaycee. Like Dana said, it also keeps him humble and grounded, which again are strong Chinese traditions. Copyright © 2002-2025 Ross Chen