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Musings from the Edge of Forever

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The Best Hong Kong Films of 2010 (I wish!)

Ekin Ponders Sanjuro Pondering

This would be so much funnier if I still called myself “Sanjuro.”

I have to level with you: the title of this post is purposely misleading, as I have not seen anywhere near enough Hong Kong films this year to be even remotely qualified to assemble a proper “Best of” list for 2010. I’d love to do it; it’s just not possible. To tell the truth, you can count the number of 2010-released Hong Kong films I’ve seen on one hand  — Crossing Hennessey, Fire of Conscience, Ip Man 2, Little Big Soldier, and True Legend.

So, that makes only makes five movies I’ve seen total; well, I suppose if you were getting creative, you could say I’ve seen six — that is, if you count Jet Li’s performance in Sylvester Stallone’s incredibly disappointing action extravaganza, The Expendables.  If a) Jet’s totally out-of-sync performance with the rest of the cast didn’t make me think he was just there to cash a paycheck and b) his one-on-one fight with Dolph Lundgren hadn’t been so terribly, terribly choreographed, I might be persuaded to think that it somehow “counts” as a Hong Kong film. Either way, it doesn’t.

  Jet vs. Dolph

“Okay, okay — you were a Fullbright scholar and got a Master’s in Chemical Engineering!”

As a self-professed critic of Hong Kong cinema, I suppose my ignorance of this year’s crop of movies damn near amounts to heresy, but as many of you know, it’s been a rough second half of the year. I’ve done my best to review what I could whenever I could and keep the blog going on a regular basis, especially during’s extended hiatus, but the simple truth of it all is that major events dictated a serious re-prioritizing of my energies and efforts.

Although I know it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, I’m disappointed that I wasn’t able to implement as much cool stuff as I had planned for this blog. I guess there’s always next year.

Still, at the very least, I can say that I achieved at least one thing this yearJaymee Ong, a model/actress who appeared in such fun HK cinema diversions as Gen X Cops and Rave Fever, is my Facebook friend. Now, while I recognize that it’s less of a big deal now since she didn’t continue working in the HK film business after starring in that initial pair of films, I have a feeling that the Calvin who joined back in the early 2000s would have gotten a real kick out of this — that is, right before he asked, “What the hell is a Facebook?”

Anyway, here’s to a happy, healthy, and more productive New Year to you and yours! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

One Response to “The Best Hong Kong Films of 2010 (I wish!)”

  1. Calvin McMillin Says:

    Not sure what happened to the post, but a lot of stuff got cut out for some reason, so I restored it, to the best of my memory.

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