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The Golden Rock song of the day - 4/13/07

Today’s song of the day needs little introduction. Seriously, just go to the Wikipedia page on it and read up all you want. On the album “Faster Than the Speed of Night,” it’s Bonnie Tyler’s classic “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”

Why? Because it’s the ultimately 80s pop epic that wasn’t done by a large man named Meatloaf (turns out this song WAS written for Meatloaf, according to the Wikipedia page). I know it’s chessy 80s pop, but the video is so far out, and the song is so…unnecessarily epic that you can’t help loving it. Honestly, I don’t even know what the hell it means to have a “total eclipse of the heart” anyway.

2 Responses to “The Golden Rock song of the day - 4/13/07”

  1. YTSL Says:

    Believe it or not, Faye Wong sang this song at a concert in Kuala Lumpur a couple of years back and I thought she sang it better than Bonnie Tyler. So, if you ever find a video or regular sound recording of it…:)

  2. GoldenRockProductions Says:

    Hi, YTSL,

    Given Faye Wong’s old habit of not only doing cover songs, but also changing her singing style to match the original, I’m not surprised at all that she would cover this song. In fact, I can imagine her doing it better than Bonnie Tyler. Too bad I can’t seem to find any video of it yet.

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