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Archive for May 18th, 2007

The Golden Rock song of the day - 5/18/07

I was originally going to continue the My Blueberry Nights streak with something that has something to do with the movie, but i heard a cover of this song by Chet Lam while writing the previous entry, and just can’t help but choose to post this today. Originally on the Vision Quest soundtrack, then on The Immaculate Collection, it’s Madonna’s “Crazy For You.” I honestly have no idea why, this is one of those classic pop songs that is hard not to like.

The Golden Rock song of the day - 5/17/07

Today’s song of the day is the second song from Khalil Fong’s album This Love. The title and its lyrics are based on Wong Kar Wai’s In the Mood For Love (see a recurring theme going on here?), though that doesn’t make the song better or worse. The star of the song is really Khalil Fong anyway. It’s “Su Li Zhen.” Copyright © 2002-2025 Ross Chen