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Peeking Out

I have turned another year older, and I’m now halfway through the 20’s, which means it’s time to look back on my life and examine and whatnot.

I’ve also been back in Hong Kong for two years now, and I’ve accomplished quite a bit in this short period of time:

- Improve my Mandarin
- Become a (relatively) better writer
- Accumulate a collection of autographed DVDs
- Write a full-length script
- Published in a magazine.

Of course, then there is also plenty that I haven’t done:

- Get my Masters
- Write all the reviews I need to write
- Update this blog

And this entry is my attempt to amend that third thing.

Mainly, I should explain why I haven’t updated the blog. I still write reviews for LHKF, as you can see from our latest update, and my next review will be the Laughing Gor movie, Turning Point. At the same time, as I mentioned in East Screen/West Screen episode 3 (up soon), I also write freelance articles for a local magazine, then I next have to transcribe an interview with Patrick Tse Yin for a friend (I was there. He was cool.), and as of next week, I will have school, which means I will be able to amend that first thing too.

And like Sanjuro, when I have spare time, I also am in a happy relationship. If it’s not hard enough to deal with me already, imagine the infinite patience it takes for a girl from Mainland China to stand my not-so-friendly attitude towards the “grandpa” up north. This means I probably should work extra hard to prove my sanity.


Me when I complain about the SARFT

I know I promised more regular updates during the summer, and that rarely happened. For that, I apologize. Not only did I not do things that may or may not benefit you, the readers, I didn’t even get to do things that would benefit me. For example, research for my history-based thesis script.

With school starting, it’ll be nice to send my life back to a structured schedule, and I will again pledge to try and update more. Except on Mondays, because I already know I’ll have class then.

If in the unlikely case that any of you miss my presence, you can catch me on a weekly basis on East Screen/West Screen with Paul Fox at KongCast, and you can also tweet me and follow me at Twitter. That was not a euphemism.

Until then, I have a birthday to enjoy.

Doraemon and his birthday cake. Not pictured: The Golden Rock blogger Kevin Ma


But before I go, I have to do a bit of news reporting and report this unfortunate piece of news:

Shing Fui-On, or known in Hong Kong as “Big Silly”, has passed away from cancer on August 27th at 11:45pm Hong Kong time. He was one of the most well-known actors in Hong Kong cinema, and will certainly be missed. His last film was The Detective, starring Aaron Kwok.


 Shing Fui-On

RIP, Big Silly.

9 Responses to “Peeking Out”

  1. lumpdechunk Says:

    Oh, dear. Seems like there are a lot of death news in recent years.. I felt like I have often seen him in many 90’s film and it is weird to hear of his death now.

  2. Dana Says:

    “imagine the infinite patience it takes for a girl from Mainland China to stand my not-so-friendly attitude towards the “grandpa” up north.”

    Good luck with that! I probably wouldn’t have the patience.

  3. GoldenRockProductions Says:

    Hi, lumpdechunk,

    Even though Shing has been lacking in post-2000 HK cinema, he is easily one of the most recognizable faces in HK film’s golden age. I doubt there will be anymore “Big Silly” in HK cinema’s lifetime.

    Hi, Dana,

    She’s either as crazy as I am, or we’re not as crazy as you. Who knows?

  4. msx Says:

    why didn’t you just find yourself a nice pro-Brit HK girl instead of a mainlander? Sleeping with the enemy is so traitorous.

  5. Dana Says:

    Just telling you to appreciate her. ;)

  6. GoldenRockProductions Says:

    Hi, msx,

    Nothing traitorous about it. I’m an HK citizen, and I’m pretty sure Kozo doesn’t mind/care.

    Hi, Dana,

    Thank you for the advice. I surely do already ;)

  7. quadshock Says:

    First of all, happy belated birthday!

    Second, I never knew much about Shing Fui On but he is definitely one of the most recognizable faces from my childhood films (same with Ng Man Tat, Stephen Chow, etc). I will miss him, but I will never forget him.

  8. GoldenRockProductions Says:

    Hi, quadshock,

    Thanks for the happy birthday. And agreed about Shing Fui-On.

  9. LANGONG Says:

    omg you has been “northern harmonizing” !! likes infiltration I hope , you’re sure Mr.K ok with it? :) hehehe that’s a big cake :) I’m sure your gonna have a good time. :)

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