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This review is based on the fabulous Theatrical
Cut of A Moment to Remember. What that means
is a mystery waiting to be solved.
Region 3 NTSC
CJ Entertainment
2-Disc Set
16x9 Anamorphic Widescreen
Korean Language Track
Dolby Digital 5.1
Removable English and Korean subtitles
Theatrical Version (117 mins.)
Director's Version (138 mins)
Audio Commentary, "Making of" featurette,
Teaser, TV Spot, Music Video, Deleted Scenes, Outtakes,
Various extras
*Also Available on Blu-ray Disc
DVD (Hong Kong)
Region 3 NTSC
Asia Video
16x9 Anamorphic Widescreen
Korean Language Track
Dolby Digital 5.1 / DTS 5.1
Removable English subtitles
by Kozo: |
There needs to be a
special section of your video store for the Asian
terminal illness tearjerker. In the nineties, Hong
Kong owned all with its variety of due-to-die protagonists,
but now Korea is the go-to territory for movies about
people with debilitating health problems. Leukemia,
brain cancer, and other assorted maladies have wreaked
havoc on the region, but A Moment to Remember
trumps them all. In this recent melodrama, heroine
Kim Soo-Jin (impossibly pretty Son Ye-Jin) contractsare
you ready for thisAlzheimer's Disease! Yes,
a disease usually reserved for the ailing elderly
has now been bestowed upon a twenty-seven year-old
girl, who's not only beautiful but also recently married.
Her husband, Choi Chol-Soo (Jung Woo-Sung), is an
impossibly tough man-among-men, who now must deal
with the heartrending plight of his honey's health
going to Hell. Get your handkerchiefs, or industrial
strength paper towels, ready.
Kim Soo-Jin and Choi
Chol-Soo meet in glorious cinema style. She's just
been stood up by her married boyfriend, while he's
a manly mofo who bumps into her at the Family Mart.
Immediate sparks are struck, but a flame doesn't build
until she finds out that the dude is a foreman for
her father's construction business. Chol-Soo is temperamental
and oh-so-manly. He's rude and brusque, but usually
with a sense of righteousness that's worthy of Chow
Yun-Fat. His brief brushes with the adorably feminine
Kim Soo-Jin are sure to get females swooning, but
they should go crazy when he decks a motorcycle-riding
mugger with the door of his jeep. The man meets metal
incident totals Chol-Soo's windshield, but he valiantly
drives Soo-Jin home while wearing safety goggles to
keep out the wind. To prevent wind burn on Soo-Jin's
delicate features, he gives her a welding mask, which
she daintily wears. Wow, it's romantic, funny, and
blithely ridiculous all at once! Somebody call the
loaded romantic cinema police!
To be fair, A Moment
to Remember is engaging enough for what it is.
The courtship of the two photogenic stars is straight
out of a screenwriting handbook, and the characters
are both cinema-worthy and incredibly contrived. Still,
they chose the right chapters of the screenwriting
guide to crib from, and the stars make their characters
exceptionally engaging. Son Ye-Jin is a remarkably
facile young actress, who gives felt emotion to her
character's varying emotional states, and can even
sell a line like, "There's an eraser in my head,"
which she utters upon the revelation of her fading
memory. Jung Woo-Sung may look like a hunky Asian
version of Peter Brady, but he's a likable manly lunk
whose biggest detriment is that he comes from fantasyland.
Ladies, get this straight: guys like Choi Chol-Soo
DO NOT exist in real life. You'd have a better chance
of finding Bigfoot than a sensitive, loving, and yet
utterly righteous dude like Choi Chol-Soo. Give Jung
Woo-Sung credit; he sells the character, and manages
to carry A Moment to Remember's maudlin extremes.
If this is a good movie, then the stars are half of
There's more, though.
True to current Korean filmmaking, A Moment to
Remember is glossy and well-told. And even though
a twenty-seven year-old contracting Alzheimer's Disease
is incredibly unlikely, it is possible. The
actual frequency of that happening is right up there
with the likelihood of a fair Presidential election,
but it's not out of the realm of metaphysical possibility.
The knowledge that it's going to happen makes the
characters' lives especially engaging. The filmmakers
milk the atmosphere and bittersweet anticipation for
all its worth; director John H. Lee manages to affect
with slow, thoughtful storytelling and an appreciable
dependence on his stars. The two meet and encounter
the slings and arrows of cinema romance (Soo-Jin's
dad disapproves! Chol-Soo's mom abandoned him! The
crying has flooded the theater!), but sooner or later,
a three-ton tearjerker freight train will smack this
perfect couple with all the hackneyed screenwriting
strength it can muster. Little hints are dropped from
minute one. Dad says to Soo-Jin, "Being able
to forget easily is a gift," and Soo-Jin keeps
forgetting little things with oh-so-cute facial expressions.
Too bad it's not just her character's fussy cuteness
that causes her to forget her keys. Nope, she contracts
Alzheimer's Disease. Then...IT ALL GOES TO HELL!
Unfortunately, that
statement applies not only to the sad realization
of her fate. The moments leading to, and shortly after
the revelation hits make for some compelling, if predictably
loaded cinematic excess. After that, it moves from
cinematic excess to just plain excessive. A pivotal
scene occurs where Chol-Soo loses his innate decency
and turns on the hot-blooded man meter, leading to
a bloody confrontation that's laughably contrived.
Even more contrived is the bittersweet ending, which
is saccharine and over-the-top manipulative. It almost
seems as if the filmmakers had no idea how to end
the film, and tried to create hope where there essentially
was none. Their efforts are appreciated, but the film
never really becomes about anything more than its
superficial sadness. Real life or real emotions never
seep to the surface, so all we have left is something
that appears beautiful because that's what the filmmakers
wanted. What is A Moment to Remember really
about? Forgiveness? Family? The realization of what
loving a person really means? Or is it simply about
jerking the audience around until the movie theater
issues a flood warning from all the excessive crying?
I don't have a definite answer, but personally, I
think it's that last one. (Kozo 2005)