Corridor |

Coco Chiang and Daniel Wu inhabit the Night Corridor.
Year: |
2003 |
Director: |
Lee Chi-Chiu |
Writer: |
Lee Chi-Chiu (from his own novel) |
Producer: |
Daniel Wu,
Stanley Kwan Kam-Pang |
Cast: |
Daniel Wu,
Kara Hui Ying-Hung,
Guk Fung,
Eddy Ko Hung, Coco Chiang
Allen Wu |
Skinny: |
aspirations don't save this valiant attempt at high class
horror. Decent atmosphere and a mysterious story hold interest,
but the lack of resolution only muddles things. Despite the
abundance of sordid detail, Night Corridor doesn't
add up to more than a minor curiosity. |
by Kozo: |
Art alert! Director Julian Lee's Night Corridor premiered
at this year's Hong Kong International Film Festival, and
certainly has the pedigree of a festival attendee. The film
is based on Lee's own novel, and features metaphorical exposition,
painterly detail, and enough sordid stuff to get your blood
pumping. It also features a stand-in for the Devil Incarnate,
some creepy shenanigans involving twins, a planned devil spawn,
and more hidden revelations than any film has a right to.
All the above could be looked upon as a validation of the
film's artistic aspirations, i.e. this is a film which means
stunningly more than its plot and genre classifications would
allow. Or, the film could simply be a collection of disturbing
details and repressed social issues which tries to mean more
than its genre, but doesn't. Call me a philistine, but I skew
towards the latter interpretation.
Rock-solid Daniel Wu stars as
Sam Yuen, an art photographer who's just getting his first
exhibition in the United Kingdom. However, on the day of his
big break, he receives some shocking news: his twin brother
Hung (also played by Wu) has been hospitalized, and Sam can
either return to Hong Kong or not. Sam does, but he's clearly
torn at returning, and when he gets there we find out why.
Not only is his mother (Kara Hui) a bitter souse married to
a rude foreigner, but she's consorting with Father Chan (Eddy
Ko), the Catholic priest who raised Sam as a child. Sam has
been upset at Father Chan for "screwing him up,"
which is a nice way of saying that Chan spent A LOT of time
with the young boy. However, said activities the two shared
did not necessarily involve the teaching of religious faith,
or some pseudo father-son chats on the ways of the world.
If you can't figure out what that means, then you should catch
up on current events.
Sam discovers that Father Chan
and his mother are keeping a secret from him. That secret
is shocking and bizarre, and could change your entire opinion
of the movie. Here it comes (SPOILER AHOY!): Hung was not
involved in an accident and hospitalized; he was actually
attacked and killed by WILD MONKEYS. Who saw that coming?
Not Sam, that's for sure, and the deeping mystery of how his
brother got eviserated by ROGUE MONKEYS begins to consume
him. It also leads him to a open-all-night library run by
the kindly Mr. Luk (Guk Fung), and a rendezvous with a mysterious
girl (model Coco Chiang) who simply wants to jump his bones.
The reasons why are murky at best, but somebody wants Sam
and the girl to get it on, which seems to indicate some strange,
arcane string-pulling by people whose powers cannot be understood
by mere mortals. There are dark forces at work, and for some
reason they choose to victimize poor Sam Yuen, who aside from
losing his brother to DEADLY MONKEYS, must come to terms with
the sordid details of his childhood and inner beasts. If this
sounds compelling, raise your hands.
Knocking Night Corridor
for its murky story is easy, but problematic. On one hand,
it would be easy to dismiss Julian Lee's pseudo-satanic musings
as wannabe Rosemary's Baby-type stuff, and to heap
it into a pile with other failed horror experiments like every
Ring clone since The Ring. On the other hand,
Lee takes great care to give his story artistic credibility,
and by that we mean he directly connects his odd details (i.e.,
the EVIL MONKEYS) to the work of Swiss painter Henry Fuseli
(1741-1825). Fuseli's painting, "The
Nightmare", gets ample screen time and is meant to
elucidate some of the film's more mysterious detail, but meaning
and success are two different things. If connecting film detail
to a respected piece of art equals a cinematic triumph, then
Night Corridor earns its wings. But personally, that's
not enough for me.
What weighs down Night Corridor
is not its flirtation with satanic existence (via the proverbial
"devil's bargain"), but its overwhelming amount
of detail, much of which is unexplained or seems to be around
simply to get a rise out of the audience. Sam Yuen is haunted
by the death of his brother, and by his past with Father Chan,
but there's more. There's also repressed homosexuality, which
takes form in Sam's graphic desire for former childhood friend
Vincent Sze (Allen Wu), and an Oedipal complex with his mother
that doesn't really go anywhere. Sam's return to Hong Kong
comes with a disturbing psychological burden, and Sam slowly
(actually quickly; the movie clocks in at under eighty minutes)
erodes. He becomes given to violence and just plain irrationality,
and his journey proves more alienating than anything else.
His problems are certainly an eyeful, but they don't do much
more than say, "Wow, this guy is messed up." Despite
the legitimate human issues at stake, nothing about Sam's
problems makes him seem remotely human. He just seems wacked-out,
which is not the recipe for compelling cinema.
At the very least, atmosphere
gets Night Corridor some points. Julian Lee tells his
story with effective fades and flashbacks, and the deeping
mystery is sure to hook some. On the other hand, that mystery
really solves nothing. People die, blood spills, and things
generally go sour. What it all means is a good question, and
the journey itself doesn't really prove rewarding enough to
let the lack of closure slide. In the end, it seems the greatest
credit Night Corridor can be given is that it tries.
Daniel Wu (who also co-produced) tried to stretch his acting
muscles and take risks. Director Julian Lee tried to make
something thoughtful and accomplished, and not rushed and
overly commercial. By that token, the least the audience could
do is try to find the good points of this cinematic experimentthough
I hope you have better luck than I did. I managed to stick
around for the full eighty minutes, and was ultimately intrigued
but not fulfilled, which does not equal any sort of ringing
endorsement. I don't think that Night Corridor is a
terrible film, but I also don't find it to be a successful
one. (Kozo 2003) |
Availability: |
(Hong Kong)
Region 0 NTSC
Asia Video
Cantonese and Mandarin Language Tracks
Removable English and Chinese Subtitles |
courtesy of Asia Video Publishing Co.
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