dated 6-1-2005
In June 2005, LoveHKFilm.com
began taking on banner advertising. In theory,
this means that the site may actually turn a profit,
though we won't really know until 3-4 months from
What is true, however, is that much of what's
written below is outdated. We're leaving it up
because it might actually still prove amusing,
and we'll likely reset this page once we're more
sure of LoveHKFilm.com's
financial future.
For now, however,
we're doing okay.
Who pays for
it and why
is a non-profit organization consisting of about
four people. As such, the site is funded by the
pocketbook of the Webmaster and whatever outside
support he receives.
Outside support has consisted of piecemeal charitable
donations, in the form of straight money, affiliate
purchases or even time and/or materials. Why do
these people support the site? Well, presumably
they like what the site has to offer, and would
like to see it continue on. Or maybe they didn't
realize they were helping out the site, but did
it anyway.
The individuals who have sponsored or continue
to sponsor the site can be found on the sponsor
page, located here.
Why ask for support?
Asking for support for LoveHKFilm.com
was not an initial goal in getting this site started,
but times have changed. What once was a $5 per month
hosting charge has ballooned thanks to increased
site size, bandwidth usage and other assorted costs.
Our ultimate hope is to have the site pay for itself.
In a perfect world, enough support would come in
via donation and affiliate DVD purchases to cover
webhosting, the ezboard forum, and site maintenance
and improvements. It would also be nice if some
of the film review costs and the Webmaster's time
were covered too, but that may be a bit too much
wishful thinking. Still, every bit helps.
The standard support method is the affiliate click-through
with YesAsia.com,
which is explained in the column on the right. As
it works, LoveHKFilm.com
gets a small cut of whatever purchases are made
on the affiliate site, provided that the buyer actually
enters their site from this one and purchases from
them - all in one session.
Donations through a PayPal link are also
welcome, though the Webmaster would prefer that
sponsors get something in return. If you wish to
donate to the site, use the below link:
methods of support
Hire the Webmaster! That's right: if you give him
a job then he can get paid AND continue to run LoveHKFilm.com.
In a perfect world, I could get paid for running
this site, but last time I checked the world was
far from perfect. I like the trees, though.
Some readers have actually donated review materials,
i.e. DVDs and VCDs as a way of helping out the site.
Comments and compliments are another way to support
this site. While the tangible benefit of such support
is questionable, the power of positive reinforcement
is nevertheless a force to be reckoned with. To
say hi, click here.
If you owe the Webmaster money, pay him back! Amazingly,
this will help the web site.
The Webmaster also does personal appearances, though
he would probably question the sanity of anyone
making such a request.
To view the Webmaster's resume, click here.
Mighty Readers of LoveHKFilm.com
greatest ever means of support came in March of
2004. Saddled with mounting bandwidth costs, the
site ran a Pledge Drive asking its readers for
some support. The responses they gave were greatly
To read about the Pledge Drive, go here.
The results were discussed here.

partnered with the largest Asian entertainment
retailer on the web, YesAsia.com,
in May of 2004. Purchases made through any of
the affiliate links on LoveHKFilm.com
result in a portion of proceeds going to help
support this site.
In July of 2004, that partnership was expanded
to an unprecedented level. As such, we urge readers
to consider purchasing at YesAsia because
really, it does help keep LoveHKFilm.com
alive. We could not be more serious when we say
feedback or questions regarding these matters
can be directed to the Webmaster here.