by Kozo: |
Chow Yun-Fat has long shown
himself to be one of Hong Kong's most versatile actors,
and no matter what your cinema jones is, he's probably given
a performance that has satisfied it. But, what do people
really want from Chow Yun-Fat? Do they want the supercool
charisma of Mark in A Better Tomorrow? Or the charismatic
wackiness of the God of Gamblers films? Is it the
powerful intensity of Prison on Fire that people
are looking for? Do people want him to redefine the role
of Asian males in American commercial cinema? Or is it that
people simply want to see the guy? If that latter question
causes you to raise your hand, then Bulletproof Monk
is for you. However, anyone who answered "yes"
to the other questions should simply rent one of Chow's
older Hong Kong classics.
Chow plays the Monk With No
Name, a Tibetan super monk who gave up his name to safeguard
an ancient scroll which will grant its reader the power
to remake the world in his/her image. Never mind that such
a plot device is without any historical or mythological
basis—it exists simply as a Macguffin which gets the
plot (or what little plot happens to exist) rolling. In
the opening sequence, the Monk defends the scroll from a
band of marauding Nazis circa 1943. He manages to escape,
leaving head Nazi Strucker (an overacting Karel Roden) screaming
after the Monk like James T. Kirk in Star Trek 2: The
Wrath of Khan.
Flash-forward sixty years
and the Monk is still on the run from Strucker's people,
except now he's wandering around modern cityscapes saving
people from minor inconveniences. Fortuitously, he runs
into streetwise pickpocket Kar (Seann William Scott of American
Pie fame), which causes the Monk to do a double take.
Despite Kar's lack of any true discipline, the Monk senses
that Kar could be the "chosen one," i.e. the next
guardian of the mystic scroll. However, first Kar has to
fulfill three prophecies, which are mystical mumbo-jumbo
conditions which probably don't translate into English the
way Bulletproof Monk purports. Nevertheless, the
Monk takes Kar under his wing, and attempts to teach the
kid some groovy wire-fu powers, as well as a helpful handful
of pseudo-Eastern philosophy. Plus there's fighting, a love
interest (Jaime King as "Bad Girl"), and more
cloying plot devices than you can imagine.
Bulletproof Monk is
based on a comic book, which partially accounts for the
lightweight storyline and simplistic narrative. The rest
of the blame falls on the filmmakers, who never fleshed
out the premise into anything remotely resembling a substantial
story. The pacing of Bulletproof Monk is by-the-numbers
and annoyingly straightforward. First, we meet the Monk.
Then, the Monk meets Kar. Then, the bad guys show up. More
uninspired exposition occurs, bad guys repeatedly appear
without any real provocation, and ninety minutes later everything
concludes in grand wire-fu fashion. Nothing new or exciting
occurs, and whatever drama the film creates is manufactured
and without any emotional connection. When the Monk begins
to doubt his initial decision to bring Kar into his world,
the moment seems to exist simply to create some minor inner
conflict. Like everything else, that conflict is resolved
quickly, and just in time for the bad guys to show up unannounced
once more. It's as exciting as a do-it-yourself screenwriting
Without any help from the
narrative, the actors and the action must make up for everything.
There's partial success there, as Chow Yun-Fat shows the
charm and screen presence that make him a world class movie
star. His sly comic timing and inherent coolness will likely
be obvious to even the uninitiated, and there are more than
a few sequences which succeed simply because Chow is on
the screen. However, everything else is severly lacking.
Seann William Scott is a likable enough screen presence,
but he's far too lightweight an actor to make his character
anything more than throwaway amusing. Jaime King is cute
but uninteresting, and the bad guys (Karel Roden and Victoria
Smurfit) sneer and glower like extras in an Indiana Jones
movie. The action is perfunctory and full of quick-cuts
and too-obvious stunt doubles. Kids might find the obvious
wire-enhanced action exciting, but otherwise it seems to
exist simply because modern Matrix-influenced action
flimmaking requires it.
Director Paul Hunter is a
music video director, which is fitting considering the overdone
cutting and blocky narrative pacing. What's ironic though,
is that the music is egregiously out of place. Shouldn't
music video directors be hired for their ability to match
audio and image? Unfortunately, Hunter has composer Eric
Serra crowd every scene with extra-loud music which is sometimes
waaaay out of place. Add that to his paint-by-numbers direction,
and you have the recipe for cinematic mediocrity. Did John
Woo—who's listed as producer—ever visit the set?
Then again, considering Woo's recent output, it's doubtful
he could have done anything to make Bulletproof Monk
any better than it is.
Which brings us back to the
initial question: what do people really want out of Chow
Yun-Fat? The easy answer would be to ask him to return to
Hong Kong to make movies there, though that seems to be
something which won't happen anytime soon. Hong Kong's fast-food
movie industry likely holds no charms for Chow, and he probably
made more money off of Bulletproof Monk than he did
during his entire ten-year box office reign in Hong Kong.
As is the case with John Woo's films, maybe true fans of
Hong Kong Cinema should just be happy that they can still
view Chow's classic performances whenever they want. Really,
after all his Hong Kong work, anything Chow Yun-Fat makes
now is gravy. In the case of Bulletproof Monk, it
may be rancid, week-old gravy, but it's still just gravy.
If you must see a Chow Yun-Fat film, there are many, many
other choices besides Bulletproof Monk. (Kozo 2003)