by Kozo: |
Francis Ng is Chan Kwok-Ming, a hard boiled cop who's on the
verge of losing his neglected wife Sammi (Athena Chu). With
their marriage on the brink, and the two caught in their car
during a traffic jam, an armed robbery erupts near them. Ming
exits the car to stop the thieves, but there's a price: during
the ensuing shootout, Sammi gets a bullet to the head. She
lives, but her recovery is a difficult one. Not only is she
dependent on her husband—who loves her but still neglects
her for his work—but she also suffers from visions of
violent crimes. Even more, she starts seeing a pale, mortally
wounded woman wandering around her apartment. She fears she's
become possessed, but all Ming can do is leave her in the
care of Dr. Ko (a taciturn Nick Cheung). Ming has his own
issues: a series of grisly murders have begun to appear. Each
victim possesses a mysterious wound on their neck—a wound
which Ming happens to find particularly familiar. Even more,
Sammi's violent visions are picture-perfect retellings of
the current series of murders. What gives? Is Sammi clairvoyant?
Or is she being haunted? And what's with the neck wounds?
Shiver was directed by
Billy Chung, who has turned in some competent work despite
the exploitation littering his filmography. Chung follows
through here, giving the film spare style, effective pacing,
and a thoughtful attention to detail. The hows and whys of Shiver are doled out with opaque finesse; the pieces
of the mystery come to light with regular, but quietly earned
efficiency. Though the characters and incidents are not entirely
explained, enough is shown to make them understandable and
even affecting. Adding to this are the actors, who turn in
effective and sometimes surprising performances. Francis Ng
is dependably intense, and Athena Chu is convincingly distraught—when
she's not obviously overacting. Nick Cheung turns in an against-type
performance as a non-wacky doctor whose quiet nature belies
hidden emotions. Even the cinematography is a step above average.
For what's essentially a run-of-the-mill horror thriller, Shiver is surprisingly well made.
With that in mind, it's easier
to forgive the film when it reaches its shockingly benign
climax. Shiver conjures up some uncomfortable situations
and chilling emotions—which is why it feels like such
a rip off when everything gets tied up so incredibly neatly.
When the film hits overdrive, it becomes all too apparent
who's responsible for the grisly shenanigans, and though the
motives are deeply felt, the methods to the killer's madness
are both far-fetched and even a little silly. Not only are
all the facts explained in easy-to-understand connect-the-dots
fashion, but the solutions to the ultimate problems are jarringly
convenient. You'd think that a film with difficult emotions
would provide difficult solutions, but the screenwriters went
the easy route and made everything mucho easy. Characters
provide easy ephiphanies, bad guys hand over easy solutions,
and the film ends with a throwaway moment which serves absolutely
no purpose considering all the drama which came before. It's
almost enough to make Shiver feel like a total waste,
but it really isn't. When you take average stuff and spruce
it up so well, some amount of credit should be given. (Kozo
2004) |